Album Review: Satellite Stories ‘Cut Out the Lights’

By Lloyd Wakeling, Rock At Night Manchester

Satellite Stories-“Cut Out the Lights”-Release date September 14, 2018

To be completely honest, I know nothing about Finnish music, let alone Finnish Indie. Listening to Satellite Stories however, has changed all of that! Their new and sadly their last studio album, ‘Cut out the lights’ is a joyous trip amongst the fabulous isms that is and was the perfect song writing of Indie. Well-produced, multi layered and at times characteristically simple, the tracks dance into the psyche like a long lost friend you had forgotten you knew and who suddenly turns up at the same party, bringing smiles, warm hugs and stories of old.

Happy music performed with the skill of a band who know their audience and who actually sound like they love what they do. Five albums, millions of downloads and large tours later, going back to their roots, sounds like a fitting way to end it all, but I will be making a decided effort to listen to their back catalogue to see if I agree, because on this showing I think it is all way too soon!




Lloyd Wakeling