Review:Blair Gun’s album ‘There Are No Rival Clones Here’

Album Review

Blair Gun

By Ljubinko Zivkovic, Rock At Night Amsterdam

Review: Blair Gun – There Are No Rival Clones Here – Release date: June 7, 2024

The case with post-punk has always ran between the two terms involved – is it more post or is it more punk?

That post probably involves all the other musical elements artists and bands that want to keep their punk heart, the one where urgency, loud guitars and vocals, are key add now to their songs.

Southern California’s Blair Gun are surely such a band and they prove it on their second album ‘There Are No Rival Clones Here.’ The quartet of Joedin Morelock on vocals/guitar, Zach Cavor as lead guitarist, Jake Richter on drums, and Alyson Valdez as bassist and backup vocals keep their songs here tight as a girdle and utilize a sort of controlled loudness to show what they are made of, with urgency that doesn’t stop through eleven tracks here.

Essentially the album is a true picture of post-punk as it stands today with Blair Gun not missing a step. Hopefully more to come from these guys.










Ljubinko Zivkovic