Review: Pretty Crimes’ album ‘Every Moment All At Once’

Album Review

Pretty Crimes. Photo by Rebekah_Velazquez

By Ljubinko Zivkovic, Rock At Night Amsterdam

Review: Pretty Crimes – Every Moment All At Once – Release date: February 2, 2024

They seem to have listened to practically every possible indie-related genre over in Raleigh, North Carolina, or at least that is what the members of Pretty Crimes, a band from Raleigh did when they created their second album proper with quite an apt title – ‘Every Moment All At Once.’

You’d probably need more than ten fingers to list all the genres main songwriters Dan Irving and Em Edgerton try to cover here – from sophisticated pop of Belle & Sebastian to subtle electronica and any form of indie rock that popped up from nineties on, with softer edges like on the opener ‘Still Waiting,’ or harder ones like the ‘New Years’ that immediately follows. No wonder they themselves call their music “genre fluid.”

Yet that fluidity the band is talking about includes no chaotic fumbles of style or rough moments as it seems that Irving and Edgerton have an excellent synchronicity when creating their songs, with the band having no problem to present them in the best possible manner.

The key point here is that while listening to this album you stop caring and pairing the influences and just keep enjoying the sounds Pretty Crimes have created. Don’t know about the crimes, but prettiness is there for sure.




Official Website:


Instagram: (@pretty.crimes)


Ljubinko Zivkovic