UK’s Country-Pop Artist Megan Louise–the New Taylor Swift?

By Raven, Rock At Night Tampa

Megan Louise

When I first heard of Megan Louise I had to check out her Facebook Music page and I was just blown away.  The first thing I thought is a British girl singing Country music–no wait a British girl singing Pop…wait a minute! I heard a beautiful British girl singing Country-Pop. A US version of perhaps Taylor Swift gone Country? I heard her voice and saw a lovely young lady that is only 17 years old and sounds like she has been in the industry for years.

I thought Megan Louise needed to be heard in the USA so I contacted her right away and and spoke to her mother, Angela to ask permission to have Megan Louise as my Artist of the Month on my promotions page and with a quick yes, it was all set. I also created a fan page on Facebook for her. Megan Louise has been one of the most popular artists that I have had on my promotions page in over ten years.

Her Incredible debut recording “Train Song” was released in August of 2018 and the soon to be released “Time Bomb” is another smash. “Train Song” went to #3 on the UK ITunes Country Chart and into the Top 40 overall ITunes UK Country Chart and has given the young artist a lot of recognition. Over one million listeners heard her song within the first three weeks. Megan Louise has been playing live sets and had interviews on some of the biggest radio shows throughout the UK, including BBC Radio 2, Under the Apple Tree Sessions and Chris Country. She is rapidly becoming the “belle of the ball,” and appearing at country music festivals, national and European live dates and shows.

Megan Louise

Megan Louise has been compared to Taylor Swift, Britney Spears and LeAnn Rimes. She and LeAnn seem to have more in common: both girls went to vocal and dance classes from a very young age and both started their careers in musical theatre. Megan Louise began performing at the age of seven in “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” in her hometown of Liverpool.

Between the ages of 11-13 Megan did many live performances and was already writing songs. It was during this time many people hearing her songs mentioned the country influences and the tone in her voice. This encouraged her to start listening to other Country Artists and then she was hooked to the genre – inspirations include: Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, The Shires, Maddie & Tae, Kelsea Ballerini, Dolly Parton and Rascal Flatts.

Megan Louse is still in school and carefully balances her music and education. In her future, she dreams
of song writing in Nashville and making music her life. I had a chance to interview Megan Louise with the following questions to learn more about her.

Thank You Megan for taking the time out of your busy schedule for some interview questions for Rock At Night magazine.
RAVEN: So What age did you start singing and playing guitar?

MEGAN: Started singing at age 4 and playing guitar at age 9 (self taught).RAVEN: Did you have a musical inspiration, and who was it?

MEGAN: Then it was Fleetwood Mac, always a loved them! Now it’s lots and lots of country artists but my fave at the moment is John Paul White (formerly of the Civil Wars).
RAVEN: Is anyone in your family a singer or a musician?
MEGAN: No, no idea where it came from!

RAVEN: Besides Country, what other music do you listen to?
MEGAN: Fleetwood Mac, ELO, 1950’s music. I think I’m actually an old person trapped in a young persons body!!! I actually do love Billy Eilish too so I’m not that old really.
RAVEN: What funny or should I say out of the ordinary songs might we find on your phone or mp3 player?
Megan Louise

MEGAN: Lots by The Venga, meditation music, Alvin and the Chipmunks full album!!!

RAVEN: If you had your choice in the world where would you really like to perform?
MEGAN: Ryman Auditorium and Grande Ole Opry, obviously!!
RAVEN: Part 2 of that Question what famous artist or band would you like to open for or perform with?
MEGAN: Rascal Flatts!!!!
RAVEN: Megan, I don’t know too much about you performing in the UK. Are there any popular artists that you have performed with or opened for in the UK?
MEGAN: Nathan Carter, Emma Stevens, Beau Dermott.
RAVEN: OK Megan here’s a curve ball, if you were not an artist what else would you like to do?
MEGAN: Psychologist

RAVEN: Megan I know you sing Country-Pop, but if you had choice to pick another genre of music what would it be?
MEGAN: Musical Theatre. That was my background between 4-10
RAVEN: Megan I’m sure you love very young children. At your age what advice would you give a young artist that is trying to break into the music industry?
MEGAN: Listen to advice and make friends with like minded people so you can support and collaborate.(Here are some simple non-music questions so fans know a little more about Megan Louise.)
RAVEN: Here’s an easy one, what is your favorite movie?
Megan Louise

MEGAN: David Brent – Life on The Road (funny) Bohemian Rhapsody (relatable in lots of ways).

RAVEN: What is your favorite food? And do you like to cook or just eat?
MEGAN: Bubble waffles. Yes I do cook a lot. I cook pasta dishes, stir-fry and soups mostly.
RAVEN: Do you like sports and if you do, what do you play?
MEGAN: No- I’m rubbish at them all!
RAVEN: What does Miss Megan Louise do to relax? Do you have any hobbies?
MEGAN: I like to read. I’m doing English Literature A level at the moment.
RAVEN: So what do you think about this American guy, Raven promoting you here and setting up a fan page?
MEGAN: I’m very grateful for all the help and support. He rocks!
Thank you so very much Miss Megan Louise for your time and your family support from Angela and Chris Basford. It has been an honor and a pleasure. We wish you all the success in the world!

Fans, check out Megan Louise’s links below including the page for the Worldwide Fans of Megan Louise.Links


