Quimby brings its 25th Anniversary tour to London

By Andras Paul, Rock At Night London Correspondent

The word “quimby” has so many alternate meanings and synonyms connected to it if you just up the word in the Urban Dictionary.  In around the early-1990s the band did not have a proper identity and they were looking for something what could perfectly express their image for a long way to come. Gravitating towards a more abstract name, they found a cool name, and chose the slang  term “quimby” (not to misunderstand).  It is metaphorically the Man being the Star of the Sandwich called Life. It basically symbolizes not only their lifeview but also their attitude to the music they play. “I always liked those bands who have a good story behind their names, now we have that too!” – Tibi Kiss (frontman) says ironically about their chosen name.

Since then Quimby reached the ceremonious 25th birthday this year (2016) and they are celebrating by touring around Europe, they stopped in London to celebrate in front of fans, mainly Hungarian Londoners, which appeared in high numbers, as well as international fans too.

Hungary Today  noted “In 2016, Quimby, is probably one of the most popular and most galvanizing alternative rock band” – and I cannot agree more with that. Their style exudes the meaning of the word “underground” and they have earned a prestigious and legendary status, filling up the music scene with sold out shows around the country.

However, they started their career singing in English, then went back to writing lyrics in Hungarian, and so mainly Hungarian people understood and followed them.  I know many people around me who dig their music just by listening to it. It can be said they have slowly built up an international appeal with being true to themselves and their fans along the years. Great music is just great with no explanations.

Mirroring perfectly how Hungarians can sometimes see the world–a bit nostalgic, a bit ironic, and occasionally bittersweet–their music being rocky, bluesy, here a bit “chansonesque.” The music is somewhat folksy with rap parts, cool & versatile, which moves every part of your body while listening to it.  Quimby has a song for every feeling and emotion you might have, so be sure to check out their music.

Their latest concert at Clapham Junction filled The Grand with ecstatic fans, leaving them with spiced up memories and some cool performances from the band’s awesome repertoire. Tibi Kiss, the frontman, is not only a singer but also a brilliant guitarist, exchanged roles with fellow singer Livius Varga, who played the drums, and glaringly took the show forward and heated up the audience from song to song. Szilard Balanyi gave a great improvisation at keys, playing together with master trumpeter Dodi Karpati. Near the end of the show, the whole band circled around drummer Ferenc Gerdesits,  climbing high with his impro.  The encore felt obvious. Thus the fans were enriched with four more songs (as far as I counted).  The band appeared to not want to leave the stage, which was not a bad thing at all, seeing their energy, they surely could have stayed another hour or so.  After a theatrical goodbye wave from the band members, thanked the audience’s support for an unforgettable evening.  It was a touching and even hilarious moment!

At the end of the evening, these humble people invited us all, to the nearest pub and mingled with the fans, making them feel like it was an ordinary night out with friends. What a badass band!

The band’s latest album was released in English called English Breakfast for the international fans. Give it a try here:

Tibor Kiss – Vocals, Lead guitar
Livius Varga – Vocals, Precussions
Szilárd Balanyi – Keyboards, Vocals
Ferenc Gerdesits – Drums
Ferenc Mikuli – Bass
József Kárpáti – Trumpet

Photo Gallery



Check out Quimby’s music



QUIMBY website


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Andras Paul

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