By Christi Lain Vest, Rock At Night Houston Correspondent
EP Revue: Sobe Lash’s The Pretty Reckless
I was first introduced to Sobe Lash’s bad-assness when she owned the stage at the Springboard South Music Festival by rocking “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. I’m very picky about the female singers I like: They have to be doing something different to catch my eye and ear. I was so impressed I ended up going backstage immediately after her showcase to meet her and tell her how much she rocked the stage. Unfortunately I missed her, but was able to meet some of her crew and eventually got an advance copy of her new EP The Pretty Reckless.
This EP is grungy, dirty, poppy and punk. Sobe’s distinctive voice has enough soul to help you get into the groove while her punk and rock side will have you wanting to pull out your combat boots and kick some ass. The 5 songs on The Pretty Reckless EP will take you on a journey through a night endless partying, dancing, drinking and sweating. We’ve all been there and we’ve never apologized. Neither does Sobe.
With first track “The Pretty Reckless”, Sobe sets the tone with the words “We are the unclean” Beats and guitars that make you want to dance and a sensual voice that make you want to dance with someone…close.
“Big Red Cup” is the “getting ready” and cruising to your destination song. Poppy, cute almost video game-like. Fast beats and an innocent, childlike sound. It’s the lyrics that get you. “Don’t mess up the ride, throwup out the window”
Songs “Lit” and “American Summer are both a bit uncomfortable, unsettling and creepy. In “Lit” A music box plays in the background with dark synths along with Sobe’s echoing vocals – when she starts singing lines from Nirvana’s Lithium it makes for a haunting track. “American Summer” starts with a piano playing slow notes, broken beats and synths in the background with Sobe’s angelic voice mixed in. Simple but powerful at the same time.
“Feelings + Flights” remind me of a night of debauchery. Fun but just dirty. Fast beats, grungy synths and Sobe’s hypnotic voice “What can you do to save me when I don’t really want to be saved”
The Pretty Reckless EP reminds me of those nights that never seem to end. Cruising through the city, dive bars, dark clubs. My fellow Houstonians: think Montrose. I love how the promotional video for the EP was filmed at Houston’s oldest club/live music venue, Numbers. Sobe Lash is doing something different – she is mixing hip/hop with punk/grunge, or “Urban Punk” as her website states. After seeing her live and hearing this EP I’m convinced that she is one bad ass female who is going to knock the Houston music scene to it’s knees. It’s only a matter of time before she does it everywhere else!
Get The Pretty Reckless EP Now!!
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Follow Sobe Lash:
- Doomstress: bringing the doom back to Houston, Texas - November 20, 2016
- Sobe Lash didn’t need to prove her bad-assness..but she did with new EP - August 10, 2016
- Catching up with Canadian metal band STRIKER - June 7, 2016