Meet the Band: Detroit’s EASY BEACH

Easy Beach


Jamie Gajewski – Rock At Night

Detroit / Music + Fashion Enthusiast


From: Detroit, Michigan 

Genre: Pop punk/Emo 

Band Members: Ian Cruz, Bradley Stone , Sean Tarolli 



Easy Beach

Why the name Easy Beach? 

Ian– Because WAVVES was already taken. 

How did you all first get into music? 

Ian- My dad used to play Van Halen and Weezer CDs all the time. One day he came home with Enema of the State by Blink-182, and it was all over. 

Bradley- I vividly remember falling in love with it after seeing an Underoath music video on MTV, started playing guitar shortly after.  

Sean- My brother shaped my music taste in the early 90’s. He has a lot of diversity in what he listens to. I picked all my favorite stuff from that time and went my own way with it. He eventually got a guitar and taught himself how to play and he taught me as well. Playing drums came like ten years later because Ian and I didn’t know a drummer. 

Your influences (bands you look up to, what are your songs mostly about or what is the driven force (emotion, personal life experiences, etc) 

Ian- Cloud Nothings, Blink-182, Title Fight, Snowing, Glocca Morra. Anything that drives a songs direction usually comes from something that has happened in my life, such as divorce or friendships/relationships dying out. I also try to write songs that I can imagine my favorite musicians playing..but in my style. 

Bradley- Bob Dylan, Title Fight, ect. 

Sean- I look up to a lot of old jazz and prog drummers. Nobody compliments the music like those guys do. It’s on another level. Rock drummers that I draw inspiration from are too many to name. Everyone is so good nowadays. Especially around here. I love it! 

Did you guys have an ”Emo Phase” growing up?  

Ian- I’m still in my emo phase. 

Bradley- I never grew out of it, honestly. 

Sean- I was a sad kid who listened to Bright Eyes and smoked too many butts. Emo has never been my first genre of choice, but I do like it a lot. 

Easy Beach

 So, do you guys like beaches? 

Ian- To be honest, I don’t know how to swim. When I go to the beach it’s just to get a little drunk and tan. 

Bradley-Love them, actually (grew up on Lake Michigan). 

Sean- When it comes to geographical features, beaches don’t do much for me. I’d much rather be in the mountains at an alpine lake, high on a ridge line, or deep in a desert canyon. 

 What’s the best beach you’ve ever been to? 

Ian- There was a cool one in Palm Beach when I was in rehab. There were a few manatees swimming around and a dead jellyfish.  

Bradley-Santa Monica takes the cake. 

Sean- The entire Pictured Rocks shoreline has some of the best remote beaches. 

 Favorite (local) band you’ve performed with?  

Ian- Seaholm, because they played “Tired of Sex” by Weezer.  

Bradley- So many good ones, In A Daydream is probably the winner, though. 

Sean- Toeheads, The Stools, Seaholm, Hail Alien. 

 Favorite (touring) band you’ve performed with? 

Ian- Arcadia Grey was sick, but I think it would have been Short Fictions if a blizzard didn’t cancel it. 

Bradley- Definitely Arcadia Grey. 

Sean- The Bobby Lee’s. 

 Favorite venue/place to perform at? 

Ian- I love The Sanctuary. It feels like home when we’ve played there 4 times in our first year as a band. But I think my favorite is The Pleasant Underground. I love the team behind it and the basement has a dope lil stage setup. 

Bradley- My favorite so far has been New Way Bar in Ferndale. The Sanctuary is always a pleasure as well. 

Sean- Any place that will have us. I think I’ve yet to find a favorite. I am just grateful to play anywhere at the moment. 

 Favorite song to perform and why?  

Ian- “Cat Bath”. I just started playing a sax in the outro. I don’t know what I’m doing when I play it, but it sounds wild. 

Bradley- I’m calling it a tie between “Blurry” and “Pretty Alright”. 

Sean- Any of the new songs. Especially the ones where the guys just let me infinitely drive the song towards the end. I like playing “Cat Bath” for that improv aspect. We always jam it out at the end. Or “Dual Jewel” because it grooves.  

 What band would you love to do a show with one day? 

Ian- Cloud Nothings! Dylan helped me come up with a couple ideas on “Selena Gomez” & “Blurry”, but it would be a dream of mine to play with them. 

Bradley- So many. Tigers Jaw, Mom Jeans, and Basement are the first few that come to mind. 

Sean- I have no idea! 

Upcoming album details 

The album is self-titled and will be out sometime this summer. We’re in the process of recording it with Tyler Floyd at Eureka Records 



 Upcoming shows 

Easy Beach

Purchase tickets here:

Purchase tickets here:






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