Estonian singer/songwriter Leelo releases self-titled debut album in Berlin


Rick Slagter, Rock At Night Groningen, The Netherlands

Venue: Urban Spree, Berlin, Germany–Leelo with support by Harry Charles–October 16, 2019


Leelo is an Estonian singer/songwriter based in Berlin and she released her self-titled debut album at the artsy Urban Spree, Berlin.  During her release party, Leelo played with an extended band that evening, which actually were friends who assisted on the album.


The music of Leelo is a mix between 90’s indie, with bluesy elements, rock, and melodic singer songwriter vocal lines. Her voice is warm and bright, which is contrasts with the heavy guitars sound and the rocking rhythm section. Leelo shows her vulnerability in the ballads, which is reinforced by the sober arrangements of the band.

Leelo’s musical background is classical music, which explains her feeling for melody and the use of chords in her songs. She started playing the flute as a child, working her way up to orchestra level, and eventually studying music academically.

Harry Charles

Singer-songwriter Harry Charles, also based in Berlin, opened the evening with some beautiful songs, which he showed the audience he’s not only a good singer, but also a great guitar player.

The venue was completely filled with an enthusiastic audience, and Rock At Night was sure one of them!

Leelo is: Leelo Murumäg (vocals, guitar, flute), Ethan Dalziel (lead guitar), Emilio Amarú (bass), Kay Ketting (drums). Guests: Michal Golabek (guitar), Harry Charles Leatherby and Lena Minder (backing vocals)









Rick Slagter
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