Live UK dates for Irish sextet, Thumper

THUMPER are the band everyone’s talking about, delivering bubblegum pop through a wall of sonic death. With a reputation for raucous and frenzied live shows and penchant for howling feedback and pounding rhythm, each show is an exercise in unpredictability. 

Out of Body Auto-Message is the first studio record by THUMPER, produced by Dan Fox (Girl Band). In this new phase, THUMPER step away from their early days of lo-fi bedroom recordings into a more widescreen effort – without losing any of the grit that defined the early material. 

It’s no wonder THUMPER are consistently topping the “Ones To Watch” lists, touring relentlessly – headlining Hard Working Class Heroes, and Fangclub.  Following this year’s festival packed summer, THUMPER are set to hit the road this September with seven back-to-back dates in the UK.

UK Tour Dates

YES (Basement) // Manchester // Sun, Sept 22
Red Rum // Stafford // Mon, Sept 23
The Old Blue Last // London // Tues, Sept 24
The Back Prince // Northampton // Wed, Sept 25
60 Million Postcards // Bournemouth // Thurs, Sept 26
The Richmond // Brighton // Fri, Sept 27
Hy-Brasil Music Club // Bristol // Sat, Sept 28

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Andrea Ramirez Maciolek
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