Gogol Bordello rocked sunny Oslo

Gogol Bordello

By Per Ole Hagen, Rock At Night correspondent, Oslo, Norway

Venue: Sukkerbiten, Oslo, Norway–July 20, 2016-Gogol Bordello

Gogol Bordello is one of the hardest working bands in New York. Their show is full of action and is always fun to watch. Tonight they played in Oslo, at the outdoor stage Sukkerbiten on a small peninsula behind the National Opera House by the seaside.

Eugene Hütz is the singer of Gogol Bordello, and the band wouldn’t have been the same without him. But the other musicians are also equally important: Sergey Rabtsev on violin, Pasha Newmerzhitsky  on accordion, Thomas Gobena on bass, Boris Pelekh on guitar, Pedro Erazo-Segovia on vocal and percussion and Alfredo Ortiz  on drums, plus Pamela Racine and Vanessa Walters on vocals and dance.

A concert with Gogol Bordello is an exercise in great songs, a lot of jumping around, and a sound that is a mix of traditional gypsy music and New York punk with a touch of klezmer added to the mix. Hütz is high and low, and the female members of the band are also never standing still. Tonight they were introduced on stage in the second song, I Would Never Wanna To Be Young Again.

Gogol Bordello started as a band in 1999, but made their major label debut with Transcontinental Hustle on American Recordings in 2010. They have toured extensively during the years, and still do. I saw them once before, at the Øya Festival in Oslo in 2007, and I remember that show also as a wild affair. Check out Pura Vida Conspiracy for a taste of the band.

Here is the setlist for Gogol Bordello’s show in Oslo: Sally, I Would NeverWanna Be Young Again, Not A Crime, Immigrant Punk, 60 Revolutions, Wanderlust King, Pala Tute, Dogs Were barking, TC Hustle, It Is The Way You Name Your Ship, Immigraniada (We Come Rougher), Mishto, Illumination, Think Locally, Fuck Globally, Start Wearing Purple, My Companjera,  Ultimate, Alcohol, Baro Foro (Undestructible).

All photos are © Per Ole Hagen and must not be used without written permission.

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