Dutch garage rock band Green Hornet bring their brand of ‘sleaze’ to Vera Club

By Rick Slagter, Rock At Night Correspondent- Groningen, The Netherlands

Venue: Vera Club-Groningen, The Netherlands

Garage rock trio Green Hornet from Groningen, The Netherlands, started in 1992 and they still have success. Characteristic for the sound of the band is the small philicordia organ and no bass.

The decade 1998-2008 was a time of many gigs, European tours and albums. In 2001 Green Hornet was the tour band of the legendary American rhythm and blues artist Andre Williams. Since 2008 till last year the band led a “low profile existence”. This year Green Hornet released a new album, Never Enough and the band had a very success Dutch club tour called The Sleaze Express, together with two other “sleazy bands”.

Rock At Night shot Green Hornet last week at Vera Club, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Green Hornet is: André Dodde (vocals, organ, guitar), Olaf Veenstra (vocals, guitar), Koos Borg (drums)



Green Hornet- “Never Enough” Album Preview







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Rick Slagter
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