USA PREMIERE: Down Under’s The Grand Union Will Release Rocker ‘To Catch a Thief’


The Grand Union

By Anita Stewart, Managing Editor

USA PREMIERE: “To Catch a Thief” by The Grand Union

US Release Date: March 31, 2022

Grand Union

Sydney, Australia’s The Grand Union is dropping their next single, “To Catch a Thief.” They have been keeping the song pretty close, tightly wrapped as it were–until today’s scheduled drop date and the song premiere both in Australia and the US.

This band has a master plan and the members find that releasing singles, one at a time works for them and gets their music out sooner. Creating a song, focusing and then working through the parts and embellishing it perfects and fine tunes the song before it is recorded.

“To Catch a Thief” Cover Art

This single release coincides with a huge show that The Grand Union is playing in Sydney with The Poor, Avalanche, Wicked Things and The Black Cardinals. This band is just cranking these songs out! Here is Rock at Night’s review of Grand Union’s “The Darkest Horse” from November 2021, click HERE.

About the single “To Catch a Thief,” Rock at Night says: “This is an epic song that rocks with great guitar work, both amped and acoustic and backing instrumentation including synths and keyboards. With a giant wall of sound that peaks in a crescendo and then ends with the synths that sound like strings, this song could even be a movie theme. Just loved it as it told a story. More of this, please!

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Anita Stewart
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