Repetitor show is like a Serbian hurricane


By Rick Slagter, Rock At Night Groningen, The Netherlands

Venue: Welcome to The Village Festival, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands–July 2018


Put together a very steady unbreakable female backbone of bass player/singer Ana-Marija Cupin and drummer Milena Milutinović and guitarist/singer Boris Vlastelica who tried to turn his guitar inside out and you get Repetitor. This is a European post-punk and heavy psychedelic rock band from Belgrade, Serbia. They produce a wall of sound and live they swirl like a hurricane on stage. And Boris isn’t affaid to get off the stage to disappear in a mosh pit of the audience.


Repetitor started in 2005, released three albums which received good reviews. The band has a great live reputation and did five extensive European tours and appeared on many festival stages. Rock at Night shot photos of the band at the festival Welcome to The Village at Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

Repetitor is Ana-Marija Cupin (bass/vocals), Milena Milutinović (drums), Boris Vlastelica (guitar/vocals).

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Rick Slagter
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