ROCK AT NIGHT PREMIERE: UK’s The Speed of Sound’s video ‘Impossible Past’



By Chyrisse Tabone, Rock At Night Tampa

PREMIERE of video of the Speed of Sound’s “Impossible Past- Worldwide release date–April 28, 2023

Manchester underground indie band the Speed of Sound is in their fourth decade–and show no sign of stopping any time soon. They have released another video from their album The Museum of Tomorrow–this time, “Impossible Past.”

John Amstrong says: ““Nostalgia is dangerous, especially when it is for a past that never existed. If that is through being misremembered or intentionally misconstructed doesn’t make much difference; both are attempting to live in a bygone era, lusting to slavishly recreate an imagined golden age.

Rock At Night says: With visions of textbook illustrations like dinosaurs cavorting with humans using binoculars, marching armies, and war slogans like “Make Do and Mend,” the video supports the lyrics, which point to how history is rewritten through the ages. Depending on the agenda, propaganda reinforces through the teaching of youth through textbooks–and who is left to argue to facts? Winners become losers, and atrocities are soft-pedaled. We’ve seen it all before. And the Speed of Sound are not afraid to be bitingly critical through catchy melodies and choruses. They are probably my favorite “protest band”–and they do it whilst whistling a happy tune.


Impossible Past 
You want to return to your impossible past
It never happened so it can’t last
Compare and contrast with your impossible past
We counted everything in twelves
We looked after ourselves
We made do and mended
And the summer it never ended
There were swallows and Amazons
You kept calm and carried on
You whistled down the wind
Marching back to where it begins
Faded memories replay last scenes
That never happened of village greens
Of purposeful striving with no worlds colliding
Half remembered lurking things
Of cabbages and kings
The golden time was never so sunny
Bleakly like a taste of honey
With duck-and-cover A-bomb drills
Among dark satanic mills
©John Armstrong

As we understand, the album can be ordered in any local record store in US/Canada/UK and Europe.  If the store does not have Museum Of Tomorrow , ask them to order it. Plus: If you don’t have a local record store anymore and prefer to shop via the internet, you can order it direct from Big Stir Records (with worldwide flat rate shipping). 

The Speed of Sound: John Armstrong – Songwriting/Guitars/Vocals, Ann-Marie Crowley – Vocals/Guitars

Kevin Roache – Bass guitar, John Broadhurst – Drums, Henry Armstrong-Keyboards




Buy Here-Bandcamp



Mastodon: @the[email protected]

Instagram: @thespeedofsounduk

Big Stir Records

Chyrisse Tabone, Ph.D.
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Punk In the Park – Orlando, FL