RAN Exclusive! Just Tommy premieres newest track—Don’t “Wait” to catch it!


Just Tommy - "Waiting for the Weekend"

By Vlad T, Rock At Night Detroit

ROCK AT NIGHT EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Arizona band JUST TOMMY’S newest video/single “Waiting for the Weekend” – March 10, 2022

Rock At Night favorite Just Tommy has a track record of delivering kinetically charged singles and videos that rouse the spirit while deftly probing the zeitgeist. Tracks like “Run!” and “Playing for Likes” show a penchant for imbuing shimmering pop productions with sharp insights into the psychology of present-day culture.

With his newest release, “Waiting for the Weekend,” Tommy shows he’s an auteur on top of his game. “Waiting” is an eminently likable pop opus—and super playful, dimensional video—that evokes the wistfulness about surrendering personal space to the work week, with the promise of recovery and redemption beckoning Friday night.

Tommy is a fixture on the Hollywood club circuit, taking his energetic act to storied venues like the Whiskey and the Viper Room on weekends. “Waiting” is a clarion call to seize the moment like he does and take your act to places where your own star can shine. 


“Waiting for the Weekend” was produced by Super-Producer/Engineer Chuck Alkazian (Pop Evil, Soundgarden, Tantric) at legendary Pearl Sound Studios (Asking Alexandria, Eminem, Filter).






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