Roots rock trio T-99 brings garage rock pizazz to Club Vera


By Rick Slagter, Rock At Night Groningen, The Netherlands Correspondent

Venue: Club Vera-Groningen, The Netherlands-December 15, 2016

Put a garage rock drummer, a swing jazz bass player and a blues and soul guitarist together and you have the ingredients of the Dutch roots rock trio T-99. The band have belonged to the top of he European roots scene for over 15 years now. Between 2010 and 2015 the band operated low profile, but last year they played on the festival circuit again. In December 2015 T-99 booked a studio annex apartment on Texel, one of the Dutch Isles, and it took them a week to make the demo’s for the new album Bedlam, which the band released in November 2016. The reviews are very good. At the moment T-99 is doing the release tour through The Netherlands. RAN shot the band at club Vera in Groningen.

T-99 is: Mischa den Haring (vocals, guitars), Martin de Ruiter (vocals, drums), Donné la Fontaine (bass, rhythm guitar),  guest player-Hans Sulman (baritone sax)

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Rick Slagter
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