Clark Kent’s Live Sessions: meet Dark Willow

Dark Willow

By John Clay, Rock At Night Columnist-London

John Clay a.k.a Clark Kent records bands live in session with the cinematic flair of an auteur. Often, the bands are encouraged to play previously unheard material. They occasionally say ‘yes’.

Welcome to the limbo between documentary performance and official music video!  Live Session 1 Series.


Photo by: Neil Anderson
Photo by: Neil Anderson

My plan was to film the band with a full set up after their show in Farringdon, London. The plan went to shit. No filming after curfew in the venue they were playing at – no sir – it’s all about the outside and the darkness.

Chris (guitar) ran ahead of Ben (drums) and Iva (vox/guitar) in order to find a secluded area. He found one. On a piece of green we recorded the band playing ‘Insane Asylum’.

The atmosphere was intimate and a little challenging, seeing as the band were fixed in one place and I wasn’t familiar with the song. It’s the video I’m most proud of at the moment, mainly because of the limitations imposed upon my P.O.V and also because the band were so damn relaxed.

To find out more about the below:

Check out the bands Facecrack:


See Dark Willow (Ambushed by Clark Kent)

Season 1 Video 11: Dark Willow

Like this? Well, check out my previous session with Claw Marks here:

Live Sessions Season 1 Video 10: Claw Marks

Neil Anderson’s website

John Clay
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